Featured in Buffer: How Saying No Helped Me Grow a 6-Figure Business

Our founder, Kinsey Wolf, has been open about her experiences with burnout, even while building a business she loves. In this post, she shared how saying “no” intentionally allowed her to build a six-figure marketing consultancy.

When you say ‘no’ to one thing, you’re saying ‘yes’ to something else. For me, saying ‘yes’ to a more fulfilled life and career required saying some difficult ‘nos’ along the way. Was it worth it? Absolutely. In the end, saying ‘no’ was freeing for me, allowing me to commit my energy to things that have the greatest impact in and out of work.
— Kinsey Wolf, Founder of Lane Collective

If you have your own business, this article provides hard-won guidance for managing stress and building a career and life you love.

Having trouble viewing the article? Here’s an archived version.


Featured in Go Solo: Discover a Clear Path to Real Growth


Featured in Forbes: How to increase engagement through video marketing